While annual salary increases are an excellent way to show employees how much you value their contributions and are sure to motivate them to try even harder in the future, the fact they only occur once a year means that it is very easy for complacency to set in and for standards to slip in the interim. One possible solution to this problem, which has been used successfully by a number of companies in Australia, is to hold a monthly employee awards ceremony.
What to Award Your Most Valuable Members of Staff?
If you are going to have an awards ceremony every month, you will need to have something physical to present the winners of each category with something that while desirable is not too expensive. After all, if you are holding these ceremonies 12 times a year, perhaps with a special Christmas edition, costs would soon mount up if you were to award expensive gifts each time.
A great way to recognize your employees’ achievements without spending a fortune on fine wines, overseas holidays, or new cars is to present the most deserving candidates in various categories with a beautiful custom trophy or medal.
The trophies and medals you present can be customized to your specifications and, even better, engraved with the recipient’s name, making them an excellent choice for an award that will provide your workers with a lasting reminder of how much they are appreciated. Whether they decide to display their awards at home or in the workplace, or perhaps simply tuck them away somewhere secret and look at them occasionally for motivational reasons, your employees are sure to appreciate their gifts.
Making It an Inclusive Event
One possible issue that can arise from recognizing certain individuals at a monthly awards ceremony is that those who are not recognized may start to feel like they are not in fact valued members of your workforce. To avoid this possibility, you may like to introduce an inexpensive ribbon that can be presented to each and every employee at your monthly ceremonies. This way, you can recognize special achievements and extraordinary efforts with glittering trophies and medals, while ensuring that nobody feels excluded.
Adjusting the Frequency of Your Awards Ceremonies
It is difficult to predict the optimum frequency for employee awards ceremonies as it can vary from one company to the next. If you find that monthly events take up too much time as far as organization and catering are concerned, you could try holding them on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis instead
The Value of Unique Designs
By ordering a customized or standard trophy, medal, or promotional award that feature your corporate logo and unique design themes, you can make sure they are not only valued by their recipients but operate as an effective marketing tool as well. If you would like to discuss the different types of designs and engraving you can have on such awards, please feel free to get in touch with the team at Sports Star Perth Trophies online whenever you have a moment to spare.